JollyDeck AcademyPublishing
How can I export content from JollyDeck as SCORM?

How can I export content from JollyDeck as SCORM?

Any content created in JollyDeck can be exported as a SCORM package, either in version 1.2 or 2004.

Slides can be exported either as a Reference or a Learning course. Questions can be exported as a Test. For more details on these formats, refer to the JollyDeck Create jargon buster.

Exporting slides (courses) in a SCORM:

  1. Open your course in the Editor
  2. Click on the Settings menu (the house icon).
  3. Choose Export content
  4. Select the learning format by clicking the preferred SCORM version:
    1. Classic e-learning course: Learners follow the designed learning path from start to finish and complete the course after going through all the slides.
    2. Support reference: Learners can access any slide at any time, with no mandatory learning path.

Export questions (tests) in a SCORM:

  1. Open your question bank in the Editor
  2. Click on the Settings menu (the house icon).
  3. Choose Export content
  4. Select the preferred SCORM version
  5. Adjust test settings:
    1. Number of questions in the test: Specify how many questions to include. Learners will get a different set of randomly selected questions each time they take the test. Alternatively, include all questions in the exact order as in your question bank.
    2. Test pass-rate: Set the percentage of correct answers required to pass.
    3. Maximum number of attempts: Specify the number of attempts a learner has before the test is marked as incomplete, or leave it unlimited.
  6. Confirm the settings

Data sent from SCORM to LMS

Data related to the SCORM package:

  • completion_status = incomplete, complete
  • success_status (in tests) = passed, failed
  • session_time = time spent in session

For each question in a course or test, the following data related to the question and the user’s selected answer is sent:

  • = question-X
  • cmi.interactions.n.type = true-false, choice, sequencing, matching
  • cmi.interactions.n.result = correct, incorrect
  • cmi.interactions.n.description = question text
  • cmi.interactions.n.learner_response = user’s answer (format depends on the question type)
    • True/False: True, False
    • Multiple choice: Text of the selected answer (if answers are images: caption; if no caption: file name)
    • Ordering: Text of the answers (if answers are images: caption; if no caption: file name), separated by commas
    • Matching pairs: Text of the items (if items are images: caption; if no caption: file name); matched items (pairs) are hyphenated, with pairs separated by commas (e.g., Left–Right, Up–Down, North–South, West–East)

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