Publishing content

This page refers to the old and outdated version of the JollyDeck platform.
For the up-to-date information, please visit the new JollyDeck Academy page.
Publishing content

How do I publish an Observation checklist?

Publishing an Observation checklist (OCL) is as easy as publishing any other content in JollyDeck.

  • From the Dashboard, enter Missions
  • Click New Mission:
    • Step 1: Content – select Add observation checklist
    • Step 2: Users – select the observed users from the list. For your convenience, a line manager (observer) is listed next to a user.
    • Step 3: Comms – review and adjust comms (message, frequency)
    • Step 4: Options – adjust observation access options, feedback, deadline…
    • Step 5: Launch – review your setup and confirm or schedule the launch.

See: How do I create an Observation Checklist?

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