Publishing content

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For the up-to-date information, please visit the new JollyDeck Academy page.
Publishing content

What are Library item’s cover settings and how do I adjust them?

By adjusting cover settings of a Library item, you can enable users to find the content quickly at the point of need. Smart use of cover settings can bring clarity and structure to the Content Library.

Cover settings can be adjusted on the Options page before or after publishing the library item.

Fine-tune the appearance of your item in the library by editing:

  • Title: Choose an attractive and descriptive title for the Item
  • Additional Description: Briefly describe content for users to know what’s inside and who is it for
  • Keywords: Select keywords wisely to help users find the item in the Content library
  • Thumbnail: Use an existing icon or replace it with your label; change background colour or use your own image

See: How can I organise Library items into Folders?

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