Creating content

This page refers to the old and outdated version of the JollyDeck platform.
For the up-to-date information, please visit the new JollyDeck Academy page.
Creating content

Can I review my content draft with other users?

Yes, there are a couple of ways to do this once you are ready to share your draft.

Inviting users to a content review page

You can invite stakeholders to review your entire course displayed on a single page.

You will find this feature under the ‘••• Options’ link when you open any course in the Content Editor. Once you invite the reviewers, they will receive a link to a dedicated review page by email. Please note that reviewers have to be a JollyDeck user in order to access the review page.

This review option enables reviewers to provide comments on cards but they cannot edit the content.

For more details about this feature, see What is a single page review feature and how can I use it?

Also, there are alternative ways to share your course draft with other users:

Publishing a draft as a Mission or a Library item

You can publish the content draft as a Mission and invite reviewers to it.

If you are sharing content drafts with the same group of people regularly, we suggest to create a new segment (e.g. ReviewTesting etc.). Add selected users to the segment and publish content draft as a Library item with the access limited to this segment. The link to the library item can simply be copied and send to reviewers.

Both ways, selected Users will be able to comment on cards and provide you with Final ratings and feedback.

This review option enables reviewers to experience the content from the learner’s perspective as well as provide comments on cards and content ratings.

Tip! To avoid confusion, make sure you name the Mission/Library item as “Review”, “Draft” or “Trial”

Word Export

Contact us at and we’ll export the content to a Word document for you to share.

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