Analytics and feedback

This page refers to the old and outdated version of the JollyDeck platform.
For the up-to-date information, please visit the new JollyDeck Academy page.
Analytics and feedback

Does JollyDeck provide useful analytics I can’t get elsewhere?

We hope so! We’re aiming to be the best possible in terms of delivering analytics. If there is something you think we aren’t covering, give us a shout.

We provide analytics for any content published in JollyDeck.

Here are a few of our stats that aren’t universally available in the learning space:

Click-through rates for emails and other comms
Per our ACME model, ROI in learning begins with A = acquisition. Therefore, comms are just as important as the rest of your learning campaign.

Time spent in a learning
Through measuring seemingly small things, like how much time Learners spend looking at an external link, document or video, and by noting if a Learner leaves the course from those external links, we’re able to get an accurate picture of actual time spent learning.

‘Right first time’ 
‘Right first time’ measures the score of first answers. For a user, this would be their first answers to questions in a course. Aggregate data shows all first-time answers to a question from a course or test. Aggregate data helps you establish knowledge gaps for your entire population.

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