Can text-heavy content ever be learner-friendly?
How can AI Copilot assist me in content creation?
How do I create new content?
How do I add a new slide?
What media can I use in content?
How do I create interactive questions and rich media?
Can I set questions as mandatory to answer?
What are interactive links and how do I create them?
Can I have a custom colour scheme?
How do I copy or delete entire content?
Can I copy and paste slides, rows and elements?
Can I undo changes in the content?
What keyboard shortcuts can I use while editing?
How can I optimise videos for e-learning format?
How do I create a question bank for a test?
What is an explanation after the answer in a question and how do I add it?
Does JollyDeck keep old versions of my content?
The world of interactivity
Quick guide to JollyDeck interactive elements
Think interactive
Spice up content with interactive elements
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