JollyDeck AcademyCollaboration
Who can I invite to review my content?

Who can I invite to review my content?

You can invite anyone you believe will enhance the quality of your content. 

A person you’d like to invite to the review doesn’t need a JollyDeck account beforehand. A personalized registration link will be sent to them in the invite to your content review.  

Reviewers can assist in various ways, depending on the type of feedback you need:

  • Clarity checking: A second pair of eyes can help spot the most obvious slips, and check whether your key messages are clear and easily understandable.
  • Verifying accuracy: Reviewers can ensure your content aligns with relevant policies, processes, and guidelines. This is especially useful for compliance or legal topics where expertise from relevant departments is needed.
  • Reviewing graphics and design: Reach out to someone with a flair for design to enrich your content with infographics, diagrams, and other visual elements.

Please note that while you can add an unlimited number of reviewers with view-only access for free, adding reviewers with editing rights may incur additional charges. Find more details on charges for reviewers here.

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