Our Twitter research shows the Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a firm grasp on L&D’s collective imagination. And, by the looks of the Q2 trends it’ll be hanging tight for a while.
During conversations with friends both inside and out of the industry, we’ve found people are not really clear about the practical applications of AI. So, as we head deeper into AI territory (look out for some announcements soon), it seemed like a good idea to share some fine reads on the topic. Steady advances in chatbots, natural-language processing and machine learning mean AI is on collision course with workplace learning.
Why not build it ourselves? Well, their AI department is nearing 8,000 in headcount.
The brief version: robots don’t affect total employment but have strongly changed the composition of employment. Each new manufacturing robot replaces roughly two manufacturing jobs, accounting for 275,000 manufacturing jobs lost to robots 1994–2014. However, these 275,000 jobs are fully offset by gains outside of manufacturing. Plus there’s data that indicates that workers working alongside robots keep their jobs longer.
If you have something we’ve missed, we’d love to hear about it! Workplace learning needs a better understanding of AI and its relations. Know someone who’d be interested in these topics? Please forward our blog post! They can join 4,000+ workplace learning enthusiasts reading this every other week.
Spread that (artificial) love!