JollyDeck AcademyPublishing
Does JollyDeck have an LMS?

Does JollyDeck have an LMS?

Yes, JollyDeck offers an all-in-one learning management system.

In fact, JollyDeck platform is in fact made up of two core environments:

  • JollyDeck Create: An advanced toolkit for building and quickly publishing learning content.
  • JollyDeck LMS: a robust and comprehensive environment for publishing and managing learning, users, and accessing deep analytics.

While JollyDeck Create and JollyDeck LMS can be used independently, using them together provides the best ROI.

Key features of JollyDeck LMS include:

  • Smart learning plans for automating learning management operations
  • Support for blended learning programs.
  • Advanced learning analytics and feedback for meaningful, real-time insights
  • Seamless user management through integrations with other systems

For more information about JollyDeck LMS, visit our product web page or book a free LMS walkthrough with our team.  

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