AI Copilot
JollyDeck AcademyAI Copilot
Will AI be training on my data?

Will AI be training on my data?

We prioritise the safety and integrity of your content when using AI. 

We have implemented robust security measures and protocols to protect your data and ensure that all AI-generated content adheres to the highest standards of privacy and security.

Our systems are designed to respect your intellectual property and maintain the confidentiality of your content. As a design rule:

  1. No data sent to an external system is allowed to be stored within that system beyond the single operation purpose.
  2. We only use AI systems that explicitly guarantee they will not use our data to train their own systems in the future.

All data processed by our AI Copilot is handled with the utmost care, following industry best practices for data security and compliance with relevant regulations.

By using AI, you can confidently create and enhance your content, knowing that we are committed to safeguarding your information. Our goal is to provide you with powerful tools that not only boost your productivity but also ensure the safety and integrity of your content.

This is an excerpt from JollyDeck’s AI Copilot content generation policy.

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