JollyDeck AcademyCollaboration
Can reviewers edit my content?

Can reviewers edit my content?

Yes, reviewers can edit your content but only if you grant them the editing permission.

As the author, you have complete control over how your reviewers access your content and help you with its creation.  

When adding new users to review your content, you can set their access type

Choose between two types of access:

  • Can view: Reviewer can review and leave comments
  • Can edit: Reviewer can review, leave comments, and edit the content

Please note that while you can add an unlimited number of reviewers with view-only access for free, adding reviewers with editing rights may incur additional charges. Find more details on charges for reviewers here.

Reviewers with Can view access

These reviewers enter your content through the Discuss tab. They can review your content, leave comments, and reply to others’ comments. 

If they switch to the Design tab, a message at the top of the screen will inform them that they don’t have editing permissions, and the editing tools will be disabled.

Reviewers with Can edit access

These reviewers enter your content through the Design page, where they can edit the content just like you, the author. If you or another person with editing permissions is currently editing the content, the reviewer will be asked whether they want to take over the editing or open the content in view-only mode.

Reviewers with editing rights can also switch to the Discuss page to review the content, leave comments and reply to others’ comments.

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