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JollyDeck Create

JollyDeck’s advanced authoring toolkit for creating professional e-learning content.

JollyDeck Create is part of JollyDeck’s all-in-one LMS, but it can be used independently. 

JollyDeck Create has four distinct modes:

  • Design: create slides and equip them with your information
  • Preview: go through content in its final form as a learner.
  • Discuss: review and co-author your content with others 
  • Publish: invite learners to your content

Related resources: 

Learning app

Learning environment in the JollyDeck platform, accessible to learners. This is where all JollyDeck learning is delivered.

User roles

There are four user roles in JollyDeck Create, each with different levels of access:

  • System administrator: full access to all functionalities, including user management and account settings. The only user in the Free tier account.
  • Author: owns a pro licence; can create their own content and invite reviewers to review it. 
  • Reviewer: Has limited access to content if invited by the author
  • Learner: undertakes and experiences learning in the JollyDeck Learner app. Content creators can invite learners to their content via the Create & Publish feature.


The basic unit of all JollyDeck content. 

You build content by adding multimedia, text-based and interactive elements to your slides – just like you’d build a presentation.

Related resources: 

Rich elements

Questions, videos and images, enriched with animation and an interactive layer.

Authors can incorporate into their learning content 20 types of rich elements, including 15 types of questions; a checklist; animated title and rich media, such as image gallery, image map and video presentation.

Check the quick guide Think interactive to experience rich elements first-hand.


No coding skills are required for authors to incorporate 15 types of questions into their content, including true/false, multiple choice , survey, multiple correct, point & tell, matching pairs, fill in the blank, ordering questions, and decision tree.

Related resources: 

E-learning templates

Ready-made e-learning, designed by the JollyDeck team. Authors can use these as a template when building their own content.

E-learning templates are available to authors in the Build on existing tab when creating new content.


No coding skills are required for authors to incorporate 15 types of questions into their content, including true/false, multiple choice , survey, multiple correct, point & tell, matching pairs, fill in the blank, ordering questions, and decision tree.

Related resources: 

AI Copilot

AI-powered capabilities in JollyDeck Create. 

From providing copy assistance and facilitating image and icon searches to creating slides, generating question banks and even converting PowerPoint presentations to courses, JollyDeck Copilot assists authors to create better content faster.

Related resources: 

Colour scheme

Colour palette used in a content. Usually applied to text, background, icons, buttons and links. 

Send an inquiry about a custom colour scheme to to align your content with your company branding.


A sequence of interactive questions. Learners need to meet test criteria, such as time limit and pass rate, to successfully complete a test.

Related resources: 

Learning course

A sequence of slides, usually organised into modules, published as a classic learning course. Learners proceed through content linearly, slide-by-slide.

Authors can choose to publish their slides as reference or a learning course.

Related resources: 


A sequence of slides, usually organised into modules, published as an easy-to-navigate resource. Learners can access all slides immediately without the requirement to proceed linearly.

Authors can choose to publish their slides as reference or a learning course.

Related resources: 


Support learners on-the-job with helpful lists of items to remember or steps to follow. The JollyDeck checklist is an interactive format, where learners can tick each item and submit or reset the checklist.

Check our checklist showcases to experience this performance support tool first-hand.

Create & Publish

Easily share your content with learners by providing them with a direct link and monitor their learning activities.

Related resources: 

Learning Expert team

The Learning expert team is an automated workflow built into JollyDeck Create.

It allows your internal team or JollyDeck’s learning experts to monitor requests for support and solve authoring challenges directly in the app. 

This optional feature is activated upon request only.

Sign-off workflow

An automated sign-off workflow to publish vetted, high-quality learning. This optional feature is activated upon request only.

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